Shipping & Returns

How do you charge shipping fees?

If  you order products like plastic wares, PCR reagents, and DNA/RNA isolation kits, which has stocked in our warehouse, we only charge local fees.

If you order products like Elisa kits, Proteins, Antibodies and growth factors, which involve importing from outside Canada, or if you are located outside the local GTA area, you will have to contact us to confirm the shipping cost.

Local Fees

Guelph and Hamilton$15
Other areas in CanadaDepending on Canada Post

How long does it usually take to deliver our order?

This depends on where you are. For Toronto, it usually takes 1-3 days.

Refund Policy

Biomart is just a distributor. All refund policies are in line with those provided by suppliers. However, Biomart does charge 30% of sales price for processing and handling. Shipping fee is not included in the refund.